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Structure of Sessions


Forest Trees

   The structure of our sessions are different if you are having life coaching or we are engaging in other forms of meditation. If we are having life coaching the sessions are structured. Before we start working together we draw up what is often called a 'Coaching contract'. Aaagh contract! No probs. The point of a 'coaching contract' is to focus your attention on the area we are working on. In the contract we do cover a couple of points which are for the protection of both parties. It seems almost a shame to do this but nonetheless we include a couple of paragraphs to say what my obligations are (i.e. to have always your best interests at heart and to operate within the Coaching Code of Ethics) and for your part to take responsibility for your own decisions and actions within the framework of the coaching.


  An important part of the coach and coachee dynamic is your commitment to a block of sessions, usually six. There are exceptions to this, for example if we have already worked on a number of areas and we are quite 'established' in our understanding of your goals and what you are looking to achieve in which situation we might agree to have just a couple of sessions or even just one. Usually, however, it is best to commit to a certain number of sessions (as said, usually six) for the reason that this acts as an expression of your interest to work on this issue with the right amount of effort for a minimum set time at least, and a propulsion towards you achieving your goals. Said another way, in order to see success and hopefully experience some worthwhile progress and growth in an area of your life in which you feel you need it, it is very beneficial for you to say, 'Ok, I'm prepared to have a go at it, and commit to an amount of sessions after which I can look back and really see what progress I have made.  It means you have the attitude that you want to experience growth in any particular area. This is similar to when someone says 'change is possible but you have to want it yourself'. Life coaching works from that same principle.


  In terms of other ways we might work together whether it be meditation-based or any other, 'more holistic' approach to wellbeing our structure is likely to be very loose. Here the aim is not to work on a performance-related basis but rather to look at the whole person on an organic, inter-connected level and work in ways which are appropriate to this.


  For example, if we are working with meditation the point is likely to be to facilitate an experience of connection with your higher self. We may do this in an informal one-on-one setting or in a group setting.


   Mindfulness meditation is a technique to be learned. Once you have learned it you have a permanent way of experiencing much better states in your own life. It really is pretty magical.


   If you are experiencing states of real anxiety or suffering, mindfulness can bring almost instant release from this. It is a way of transforming your normal mental states almost completely (in a positive sense).


   That said, we are all human and for some it may take a little longer or it may take a little less - but it is a wonderful and amazing technique that you will be extremely glad to have learned if it is something you have not come across before. It truly is, life-changing.


   Focus-meditation is something slightly different. It is also an amazingly useful tool for personal transformation and works by enabling you to create extremely positive mindsets and enabling your to focus all your energies into one place. When you think of focus-meditation you could think of phrases such as - positive mental attitude.


   Focus-meditation is likewise extremely good at enabling you to no longer experience states like anxiety or depression. It also enables you to focus on goals and it is a great way of remaining positive. The nature of reality is such, however, that life is always give and take - you are part of nature and the universe. It is very important to bear in mind that you cannot just will things to happen at your command - you can only get if you give in life.


   It is important that when you come to the sessions you have an attitude of understanding your own responsibility for your well-being in life. The idea is to give you a set of really useful 'tools' which can be used for benefit in your life. We do not go into all aspects of well-being. There are many more considerations to living a good and full life, such as looking at how ethical behaviour plays a really important role. We will be looking at how you can gain a good working relationship with your own mind. This has a very positive effect on your well-being but there are other things we must learn and bear in mind on our paths as human beings and it is not intended that the sessions cover all of these.


   The sessions will be carried out in a kind spirit with the best intentions of each client at heart.




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