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Life Coaching, is life changing!


   It was developed in the early 1980's in America.


   Using a set of extremely dynamic and effective techniques, what Life Coaching does is facilitate change in you as a person.


   It is truly incredible how we stop ourselves from achieving that which we would really like at times. Sometimes we do this out of fear of what might happen.


   Life Coaching processes encourage you to take responsibility for the change you

would like to happen in your life.


   It works from the maxim - 'Everything is possible'.


   What it requires of you is focus, or simply the desire and commitment to effect change in your life.


   Without the desire to change Life Coaching will not work and you may be better off looking at one of our other options.


   If you do, then Life Coaching is pretty limitless in terms of what it can achieve -

Life Coaching, is life changing!


   It was developed in the early 1980's in America.


   Using a set of extremely dynamic and effective techniques, what Life Coaching does is facilitate change in you as a person.


   It is truly incredible how we stop ourselves from achieving that which we would really like at times. Sometimes we do this out of fear of what might happen.


   Life Coaching processes encourage you to take responsibility for the change you

would like to happen in your life.


   It works from the maxim - 'Everything is possible'.


   What it requires of you is focus, or simply the desire and commitment to effect change in your life.


   Without the desire to change Life Coaching will not work and you may be better off looking at one of our other options.


   If you do, then Life Coaching is pretty limitless in terms of what it can achieve -

Here are a few examples -


   Job promotion, better relationships,

new direction (new career etc), better health, starting a business, achieving new levels of well-being, better self-esteem and much more!


   Life coaching works best with a 'coaching contract' drawn up between coach and coachee which encourages commitment from the coachee and confirms the positive intent of this dynamic and potentially magical dynamic. 


   It is usually the case that the coachee commit to a minimum of 6 sessions. This is an important part of the coaching process as it expresses commitment on the part of the coachee. Without this it is unlikely that progress will be made. A degree of 'stepping into something new' can be very beneficial as it encourages you to commit to a process in which you are about to gain valuable new insights from, helping you gain clarity, vision and strength to lead your life in a positive, meaningful and rewarding way.



Adrian Dumont-Namin SNHS Dip

Here are a few examples -


   Job promotion, better relationships,

new direction (new career etc), better health, starting a business, achieving new levels of well-being, better self-esteem and much more!


   Life coaching works best with a 'coaching contract' drawn up between coach and coachee which encourages commitment from the coachee and confirms the positive intent of this dynamic and potentially magical dynamic. 


   It is usually the case that the coachee commit to a minimum of 6 sessions. This is an important part of the coaching process as it expresses commitment on the part of the coachee. Without this it is unlikely that progress will be made. A degree of 'stepping into something new' can be very beneficial as it encourages you to commit to a process in which you are about to gain valuable new insights from, helping you gain clarity, vision and strength to lead your life in a positive, meaningful and rewarding way.



Adrian Dumont-Namin SNHS Dip

The Esoteric Underpinnings of a Science Most Excellent

The theoretical underpinnings of life coaching are incredible strong, very powerful and universally valid - they have to be - or it wouldn't be applicable to everyone.


Assumption One - Everything is Possible


Whatever situation we find ourselves in in life, it has a corollary in the world on universal law.


If we are experiencing chaos and disruption, this can often be because we have no clear defined view of what we actually want to achieve in life. Sometimes we may choose to rest where we are though the skills required for this may take many years to accomplish. Knowing that life is dynamic encourages us to take action, to make something of our lives, to succeed or at least have a really good go at achieving something positive.


To begin to realise that everything is possible we have to start to form positive goals in our minds. 


Once we have established one such positive goal we begin to experience transformation. We start to see that everything is possible and that this journey starts in our minds. 


Assumption Two - Thoughts have Power


Setting a positive goal leaves us in no doubt but to agree that thoughts do have a positive charge.


We are talking about exactly the same laws of physics as in any other area of life. Positive attracts positive to it. Setting a positive goal will radically change your life. When you set the goal you will feel a wonderful propulsion towards it. The actualisation of this alone is life changing and hugely beneficial in your development as a person. You are becoming exellent!




Assumption Three - Mind Over Matter



Energy has a potential which is beyond time and space. For us this means that by using our minds in the right way we are able to create situations in our life which defy what we would consider the normal laws of physics.


The power of the mind is instrumental in terms of creating positive goals which have a power and a magnetism to propel us forward. We are able to realise and actualise a potentiate state in any area of our lives that we choose. 


The idea begins in mind first and is realised in matter second.


Assumption Four


We take responsibility for that which we actualise. The goals we set are positive. This automatically creates win-win situations in life. Nonetheless, through this process we are made aware that our behaviours affect those around us. We take the step towards growth and realise our interconnectedness at the same time.


Assumption Five


The dynamic that is set up between coach and coachee shows us that when good intentions and skill and knowledge are present, remarkable things can happen. We realise that each of us has a potential to greatly benefit other beings.

Fit Girl
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